This course is taught to equip men and women for the work of the ministry. Students will gain practical insights on church planting, servant leadership, staff training, and administration of local church work.
A comprehensive study in Systematic Theology for use in the training of God’s people for the ministry. This course covers an in depth study in the doctrines of Man, Sin, and Salvation.
The Word of God is rich and full of knowledge and wisdom. There are many ways to dig through the profitable treasure trove of His Word. Learn different methods of studying the Bible, all of which lead to a deeper understanding of God coupled with a more intimate relationship with Him.
An introduction to Job and a survey of its contents with a concentrated exposition of specific passages; as well as drawing parallels with the trials of Job and the believer’s walk today.
This course is to be an in-depth study of the Pentateuch. Understanding the Pentateuch is vital to understanding the rest of God’s Word. It has been said that Genesis is the “seedbed of the Bible…” If that be true, we must pay special attention to these foundational books.
The purpose of this course is to give the student a greater appreciation of both the Bible and science. Furthermore, this course will demonstrate that there is no need for compromise in order to make the Bible fit modern “scientific” discoveries. The student will be taught
This course surveys the basic teaching and forms of Animism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Islam. Special emphasis will be given to methods of witnessing and winning to Christ those who are bound in these religious systems.